Ground Water and Water Audit Department
- The Ground Water Department was established in the year 1971 to evaluate and accord clearances for Minor Irrigation schemes to financial institutions in the state. Initially the department was a small cell at the State Secretariat and later on evolved on the lines of Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) for about 5 years, it was headed by an officer from CGWB and officers from the Geological Survey of India (GSI) were also involved in the evolution of the department.
- It is a multi disciplinary organization engaged in development and management of groundwater resources. It is a part of Water Resource Department and headed by Director at state level. The district office is headed by Deputy Director.
- The activities include hydro geological, geophysical and quality aspects.

Role & Functionality of Dept.,
- Acting as consulting agency in selecting feasible points for various types of wells such as dug wells, bore wells, filter points etc., through ground water investigations for implementing agencies and investigation for sand mining etc.,
- The implementing agencies are S.C Corporation, B.C Corporation, District Tribal Welfare Office, Rural Water Supply, Horticulture, Sericulture, Industries, other Sectorial Offices and individuals as per APWALTA Act, 2002/2004.
- Selection of suitable sites for artificial groundwater recharge structures on request from various implementing agencies such as Irrigation, Panchayat Raj, DWMA, Forest Department etc.,
- Monitoring of groundwater levels & quality studies through a network of piezometers and observation wells in Command and Non Command area in the district.
- Assisting the district administrative in the implementation of APWALTA Act, 2002/2204.
- Under takes exploratory drilling programme in the district under Special Component Plan for SC beneficiaries and Tribal Sub Plan for ST beneficiaries etc.,
The Main Functions:
- Periodical assessment of ground water resources
- Delineation of potential zones.
- Investigation for selection of sites for:
- Wells
- Recharge structures
- Exploratory drilling
- Drilling of exploratory-cum-production bore wells and piezometer
- Registration of Rigs
- Monitoring of ground water levels and quality through a network of observation wells and piezometers.
- Conjunctive use studies.
- Aerial photo and satellite imageries interpretation.
- Monitoring and evaluation of watersheds and artificial recharge structures from groundwater point of view.
- Externally aided projects
- Hydrology Project (Phase-I, II completed and Phase-III ongoing)
- AP Integrated Irrigation and Agriculture Transformation Project (ongoing).
- Investigation for according clearance for LI Schemes.
- Investigation for industries /mines for environmental clearance.
- Study feasibility and effect of sand mining on groundwater regime.
- Technical advice for implementation of WALTA.
- Preparation of reports, notes, periodicals and maps for dissemination of data.
- Creating awareness on groundwater management at grass root level.
- Special studies on impact of artificial recharge structures.
- Village Groundwater Assessment studies.
- Water Budget.
- Technical clearance for Aqua Culture.
- No Objection Certificate to industries and Mining projects for groundwater extraction.