
Provisional merit lists of Limited Recruitment Notification 01/2023 and Limited Recruitment notification No.02/2023 for filling up Lab Technician, Radiographer and Post Mortem Assistant posts in DSH (APVVP), Hospitals under the control of the DCHS, DSH, Kadapa.

Provisional merit lists of Limited Recruitment Notification 01/2023 and Limited Recruitment notification No.02/2023 for filling up Lab Technician, Radiographer and Post Mortem Assistant posts in DSH (APVVP), Hospitals under the control of the DCHS, DSH, Kadapa.
Title Description Start Date End Date File
Provisional merit lists of Limited Recruitment Notification 01/2023 and Limited Recruitment notification No.02/2023 for filling up Lab Technician, Radiographer and Post Mortem Assistant posts in DSH (APVVP), Hospitals under the control of the DCHS, DSH, Kadapa. 27/11/2023 30/11/2023 View (99 KB) PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST OF POSTMOURTEM ASST. (94 KB) PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST OF RADIOGRAPHER (88 KB) PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST OF LAB TECHNICIAN (99 KB)